Friday, April 21, 2017

Is the use of technology making a difference in our students learning?

Technology is a great tool to enhance learning, but could never take the place of good instruction! 

Do students learn from Technology?  I think they develop or improve skills with technology, but the learning takes place before they use the technology.   

When we plan as teachers, often we can use technology to present or enhance the lesson, but we are interactive with the students and the technology.  That interaction is where we check for understanding. 

When allowing students to use iPads or Chromebooks, I often think...what is the goal?  Can all students do this activity?  Can I differentiate it or find a different app if this one will not work for everyone?  Can the student work independently with this app?  What data can I get from students after they use technology? 

Technology is one of the bigger tools in my teacher toolbox!  I just want to make sure my students get excellent first instruction before they go and work on a piece of technology.

Teach me app...students apply knowledge already taught, and keeps track of students progress.


  1. I am in agreement, sister. Technology should supplement not take the place of good instruction. Read more in my blog and let me know your thoughts.

  2. I agree with you Stacy, especially at the kinder level. The students at your age level I am sure struggle with using the technology, as well as learning the objectives from the technology. Your task is twice as hard. At my level the students are more fluent with the technology than I am. They often help me.

  3. I totally agree with your post. If Susie doesn't know how to read, the app isn't really going to teach her. She may practice several skills on an app, but the app isn't really going to be able to listen to Susie and give her immediate intervention and feedback!

  4. I like how you stressed the important of teaching the skill first and then using technology to support student mastery. I agree it is important to find the right app or use of technology for each student. It certainly makes it easy to differentiate.

  5. I have to agree also. When we get K students down in the computer lab I can see where they have to be focused when using technology otherwise it just becomes "lets click on something and see what happens." You have good insights.

  6. Excellent point on giving your students excellent teaching first before using technology. I can sometimes be guilty of technology overload with my students. I have to take a step back while making my lessons and look to see if I myself can deliver the content of the curriculum as opposed to just finding technology for the sake of finding technology.

  7. Great insights! I agree technology can support but does not replace good instruction. I guess we are all safe for now... lol
